Moonshot Moonshot

Hiatus time hiatus time.

After long streches of hiatus time I am almost ready to pour coal into the burning flame of my genius and use the resulting energy to power a return to the Story Every Day project. I stopped writing a daily piece a few months back, when I was just sort of eezing into the ooze of my novel edits, and now I’m not finished with them but I’m finished enough that I can see my computer screen without panicking. It’s going well enough that I’m not worried the whole novel will scrap itself, I mean. A few dismal moments passed in which I hacked at angular dialogue and thin events and thought, Dmn. But it’s okay. It’s okay. The book will be okay and I will write more daily stories about eating other people.

Update: I’m typing this on Sarah’s computer, because guests are asleep in what passes for the office. I’m not used to her keyboard and accidentally typed dmn instead of damn, above. And I love it! Let’s go with this spelling from now on.

The next story, #150, will appear Monday, and will be followed by fifty more.

Update: It will probably be called “Arm Hole Dice!” What a great and awful title!

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